Macintosh-related Internet resources -- Publications and publishers
This page was last updated Sunday, September 17, 1995.
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- Info Mac digests - "This list contains the digests from the list server at the Stanford University of California. The digests have been converted to an interactive HTML format using the program digester (last change 5 December 1994) developed by Andre van der Ham who works at the The Control Laboratory of the Delft University of technology. " <URL:>
- Information Alley - "The goal of the Information Alley is to help Apple computer users get full use of their Apple computers, peripherals, and software. Feel free to distribute The Information Alley to anyone. ... The "Information Alley" is published in two formats: Adobe Acrobat 2.0 and No Hands Common Ground. Please note you must download the Acrobat reader separately and that the Acrobat reader requires 2.5 MB of RAM and is currently incompatible with QuickDraw GX. The Common Ground reader requires 1 MB of RAM." <URL:>
- Mac Net Journal - "Mac Net Journal Online is a hypertext version of the downloadable Mac Net Journal. Both versions are generally the same, but evolution is bound to create a difference between the two in time. . . Check out our subscriptions & comments section (subscriptions, by the way, are free!)." <URL:>
- Mac Net Journal Home Page - "[Mac Net Journal is] produced on a single basic principle: To provide Macintosh users with a resource for helping them get the most of their Internet connection time and their downloads From the beginning, Mac Net Journal has targeted the average user as its audience. Subsequently, as a matter of policy we do not: Charge for our services Review products that cost more than $75 Those principles guide most of our actions here at Mac Net Journal. We strive to provide an informative, entertaining multimedia presentation for all to enjoy." <URL:>
- MacSense - "MacSense is a new electronic magazine (based in Canada) which seeks to provide interesting and insightful Macintosh information to an international market. " <URL:>
- MacUser - "Here, you can find selected top stories from the latest MacUser, an index of past stories, contact information and more. Articles from the latest issue of MacUser will appear here each month as the issue hits the newsstands." <URL:>
- MacWEEK - "Here, you can find selected top stories from the latest MacWEEK, reviews from past issues, contact information and more. Articles from the latest issue of MacWEEK will appear here each Monday, as the issue reaches subscribers' mailboxes. MacWEEK publishes weekly with the exception of August 28, November 20 and December 18 and 25." <URL:>
- MODEMnotes - "MODEMnotes is an electronic magazine (e-zine) for online Macintosh enthusiasts. If you've stumbled on to this page without having seen an issue of MODEMnotes, you can ftp the latest issue by clicking below. MODEMnotes is in its second year of production, and this Web page is part of an effort to extend its availability and accessibility to its readers." <URL:>
- PowerPC News - "PowerPC News is a free electronic magazine for the Internet Community. It is published every two weeks via email, and is read by over 44,000 readers worldwide. We don't clutter up your mailbox with the whole issue, instead readers are just sent the contents page, and can retrieve the stories that they want." <URL:>
- Reviews of Macintosh software, hardware, and peripherals <URL:>
- TidBITS - "TidBITS is a free weekly electronic publication that reports on interesting products and events in the computer industry, currently with an emphasis on the world of the Macintosh. In addition to weekly issues, we occasionally publish formal review issues and special issues focusing on a single topic. We feel that publications like TidBITS will become an important medium of exchange as the world becomes more electronically connected. TidBITS has a number of advantages over paper publications that ensure its popularity. " <URL:>
- Well Connected Mac <URL:>
- ZiffNet/Mac - "ZiffNet/Mac, also known as ZMac, is an online publishing division of Ziff Communications. It provides an online connection to MacUser and MacWEEK, and brings news, information, carefully selected and tested shareware and freeware, and exclusive original software to thousands of CompuServe, eWorld and AppleLink users. " <URL:>
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This page was last created by Eric. Please feel free to send comments.